Samara Computing & Digital Literacies Think Tank Workshops

Our working document


  • Map what’s already happening around computing and Tech at Samara
    • Assess the depth and purposes of practices / ask critical questions
  • Surface joint values and commitments around computing and digital literacies (between Samara and Lehman)
    • Surface a vision across grade levels for Samara around digital and computing literacies that enhances and supports other Samara commitments such as to multilingualism and project based learning
  • Surface a goal for next year and some potential next steps

Workshop Dates

  • Thurs, Sept 12 from 5-7pm
  • Thurs, Sept 19 from 5-7pm
  • Sat, Sept 21 from 9:30am


Pre Work: (3 hours)

Please do the following to help prepare for our workshops in September!

Activity 1: Technology and computing at Samara nowReflection (approx 1 hour)

On the following padlet, take stock of what you do with digital technology and computing in your classroom

  • What do you expect students to know and be able to do with tech and computing, if anything? How does this show up in your class?
  • What other things have you seen your colleagues do?
  • How, if at all, is tech related to the content areas that you teach?
  • What challenges / problems of practice come up around technology and computing in your classroom and with your students?

Activity 2: Familiarize yourself with one of the following frameworks (approx 1 hour)

On the following padlet, watch some videos about digital and computational literacies. Then, pick a framework to read / review and reflect on in depth.

Make sure you write your name as a comment under the framework you select to read.

Activity 3: Curriculum examples (approx 1 hour)

Go to the following Google doc. Sign up to review one or more of the curricula on the list, and use prompts to reflect on it in your own notes.