Explore in-depth profiles of teacher education faculty from across CUNY who participated in CITE’s Summer Learning Institute 2022.

Each faculty member used their unique interests, skills, and voice to develop new content and pedagogy to integrate computing and digital literacy into their educational courses, field work, and/or student teaching.
We hope these case studies demystify the process of designing new content and pedagogy, while providing reassurance that the process is manageable and that your own unique style, vision, and ingenuity are fully welcome here!
These faculty spotlights have been produced collaboratively by the following members of CITE:
Writers: Anne Drew Hu, Anthony Wheeler, Indranil Choudhury, Jessica Velez Tello, Marta Cabral, Meg Ray, Nadia S. Kennedy, Olamide Ogungbemi, Sara Vogel, Sarane James
Editors: Nicole Walker, Rosa Calosso, Sara Vogel
Designer: Indranil Choudhury
Additional Support: Aankit Patel, Aman Yadav, Anthony Wheeler, David Phelps
How To Use
+ Browse snapshots of the learning journeys your peers went on with CITE.
+ As you read, notice and consider what you see:
- What makes you curious or inspired?
- What digital and computing practices did the faculty member embed?
- Why did they embed those practices? In other words, what was the “connective tissue” that made it essential to bring computing/digital practices together with their teacher ed content?
- How did the faculty member make moves to promote equity in their artifact for students and K-12 learners?
- What did they learn from the process?
+ Tinker! Each spotlight comes with its own related digital and computing activities for you to play around with. See which tools and approaches are relevant to you!

Dr. Cecilia Espinosa, Lehman College
Plotting Plots in a Biliteracy Course: Building on the strengths of bi/multilingual learners through critical inquiry of texts and data

Dr. Laura Ascenzi-Moreno, Brooklyn College
Critical Digital Literacy Through Self-Reflective Practices

Dr. Linda Tribuzio, Kingsborough Community College
The Digital World Meets the Music World in an Early Childhood Education Course

Drs. Linda Noble and Malgorzata Powietrzynska, Brooklyn College
Applying “Technology Mindsets”

Dr. Line Saint-Hilaire, Queens College
Integrating STEM Counter-Narratives and Computational Thinking into Science Methods

Drs. Nadia Stoyanova Kennedy, Boyan Kostadinov, and Ariane Masuda, City Tech
Behind the Data: Analysis and Visualization
of School and Student Data

Dr. Sherese Mitchell, Hostos Community College
Supporting students to take control of their learning through data. Note: The Tinkering Activity is a downloadable Excel file.

Dr. Sunyata Smith, Lehman College
Computational Thinking Informed Science Pedagogy for Middle and High School Students