
CITE Orientation Course

Start here! The CITE team has put together orienting material designed to help new faculty get started with 2023’s Professional Learning journey.

Artifact Design Task

As part of the 2023 Summer Professional Learning Institute, new and returning faculty are asked to create an artifact that adapts CITE’s pedagogical tools into their contexts.

On this page, you’ll find resources that help you brainstorm, iterate, and create your artifact.

CITE Framework

CITE aims to support faculty and teacher candidates to apply CITE equity perspectives, and mobilize crosscutting digital and computing practices to enhance and transform learning and practice around traditional and expanded teacher ed topics.

Equitable CITE Pedagogy

Equitable CITE pedagogy includes a set of goals that operationalize equitable processes and outcomes, some approaches to design, and a set of guiding design principles.

Faculty Spotlights

Celebrate your peers! Read inspiring accounts of faculty who participated in past CITE Professional Learning initiatives. Learn about how they overcame challenges, adapted tools to their contexts, and continued learning.

Teacher Candidate Voices

Read a handcrafted comic made in collaboration with the CITE team that centers teacher candidate voices.

Values Card Game

We’re asking you to play a game with to help you clarify and nuance your answer to the question “Why Computing Integrated Teacher Education?” to expose you to potential purposes for CITE that you may not have thought about before, and to help you narrow down what’s most important to you

CITE Design Toolkits

Explore this collection of design toolkits curated by the CITE team with helpful resources for your designing your artifact!