CITE work is valuable to the field, and should be disseminated widely! Also, per the expectations outlined in the CUNY CITE Faculty Research Grant call, all funded projects are expected to produce at least 1 practitioner-facing deliverable.
The practitioner-facing deliverables are intended to be accessible resources for faculty within your department (and educators beyond) to be able to adapt/remix and apply to their own praxis. Submissions may take a wide range of forms based on the various areas of education where computing integration may take place and the goals behind the integration. These could take the form of a text-based narrative or multimodal/multimedia formats. Some potential forms a submission could take include (but are not limited to):
- Articles by faculty, staff, and students;
- Lesson plans;
- classroom projects;
- curriculum designs;
- A narrative describing how design principles connect with your learning goals;
- Digital teaching artifacts (ex. learning materials, websites, games, podcasts, models, student wikis, etc.);
- practitioner-friendly example case studies;
- ePortfolios;
- maker space artifacts;
- Frameworks or mission/vision statements informed by your research;
- presentations/PD materials.
We recommend sharing these deliverables as open educational resources (OER). This practice is innately rooted in equitable learning, being defined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. Under these circumstances, anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt, and re-share them. Review the Creative Commons website to decide which license makes sense for your work; there is a chooser tool to help you decide which license meets your own expectations for sharability within minutes. Copy-paste or just jot down the license you choose in the footer / end-notes of your documents.
We also recommend submitting your resources via CUNY Academic Works so they will be indexed by databases like Google Scholar and others. We also encourage you to tag your resources for inclusion in the Computing Integrated Teacher Education tag collection by using the keyword “Computing Integrated Teacher Education” when you submit them.
CUNY Academic Works can hold files of any type (PDFs, slide shows, multimedia, etc.) and any size. In order to submit your work, navigate to the “Open Educational Resources” series associated with your campus, select “Submit Work” from the left-hand navigation” and begin adding information about the work, including your desired Creative Commons license (a breakdown of open licenses can be found here). If you are attempting to add a non-traditional resource and need to consult on preparing it for submission or have any questions come up, you can email Academic Works at [email protected]. Once your resource is approved and added to the Academic Works repository, it will automatically be ingested into the CITE collection.
Researchers in the 2022-23 cohort are expected to submit their practitioner-facing deliverables by March 15th, 2024 (or by June 30 of that year if you’ve received a no-cost extension).
Researchers in the 2023-24 cohort are expected to submit their practitioner-facing deliverables by March 15th, 2025 (or by June 30 of that year if you’ve received a no-cost extension).