Learning from Data in CITE

The CUNY CITE initiative generates thousands of data points – information about faculty, their teaching and learning, and increasingly, information about CUNY students and their experiences.

We hope to support stakeholders at colleges to ethically and responsibly collect, analyze, and make decisions informed by a variety of data sources. Below, see resources we’ve created and compiled towards those ends.

CUNY CITE Ethical Data Uses Agreement

There are several stakeholders within CUNY that gain access to different kinds of CITE data for different purposes. The CUNY CITE Ethical Data Uses Agreement aims to ensure all stakeholders who are generating data and who receive it are aligned around what data is being shared, with whom, and what it should and should not be used for.

We ask that anyone with access to CITE data (beyond an aggregated, anonymized digest / analysis), or who are requesting access to CITE data for administrative purposes reads and signs a form to indicate they have reviewed the agreement and will put forth all efforts to live out its spirit.

Watch a video walkthrough of this agreement here (starts at 2 minutes).

Student Experience Survey

We are asking faculty to administer a CITE Student Experience Survey to their students on a semesterly basis. The purpose of the survey is to collect data about student experiences with CITE activities and assignments across programs and colleges.

Watch a video walkthrough of the student survey here (starts at 16 minutes).

Student Focus Group Guidance

Is your CITE team looking to surface Teacher Candidates’ (TCs) input, feedback, & voice in a qualitative way? CITE has created a battery of prompts and activities that teams might select from, remix and choose to facilitate with small groups of Teacher Candidates in “focus group” style engagements or workshops. Click below!

Cogenerative Dialogues

Are you interested in learning about new ways to engage your students? Linda Noble and Malgorzata Powietrzynska from Brooklyn College have put together a resource where they share their experience using cogenerative dialogues to tap into student perspectives. Please click the link below to see what they found and how they did it!

Artifact Logs and Reviews

CITE is conducting a review of faculty curricular artifacts to understand what computing and digital literacies and tools faculty integrated in their artifacts; to attempt to measure the “clarity” and “internal alignment” of artifacts; to understand the P-12 subject areas that faculty are integrating artifacts into; to understand how artifacts support clinical practice’ to document the “summary premises” of artifacts; to provide feedback on artifacts; and to identify strong examples to share out broadly.

We shared our reviews and analyses back with faculty and with college teams to inform curriculum design, program visioning and mapping efforts. Didn’t receive yours? Click below to request your feedback and to find a guide to that feedback.

CITE Media Release

The CUNY CITE team hopes to document and tell stories about the experiences of faculty and teacher candidates experiencing and participating in our initiative. We plan to craft materials and case studies (“PD Storytelling Materials”) we can share with CUNY colleges and future participants on our website and in professional development, so they might be inspired by your work. Most importantly, we believe very acts of sharing and listening builds relationships and opportunities to make connections and to reflect.

Participants featured in our PD Storytelling Materials must sign CITE’s media release form, below.

Conducting Research in / on CITE

Members of our community may want to collect and analyze data for the purposes of research.* To do so, they must comply with CUNY policies regarding research, including protocols for protecting human subjects.

*Research means a systematic experiment, study, evaluation, demonstration or survey, in any academic field, designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge (basic research) or specific knowledge (applied research) by establishing, discovering, developing, elucidating or confirming information about, or the underlying mechanism relating to, causes, functions or effects.

Learn more about CITE’s own research study here.