Here are some resources that faculty might find helpful as they propose and/or conduct CITE research.
If you have any methods to add to the list, get in touch with Sara to get them added!
Context and Lit Reviews in Technology Integrated Teacher Ed
Vogel, S., Yadav, A., Phelps, D., & Patel, A. (2024). Entry Points for Integrating Computing and Tech into Teacher Education: Addressing Problems and Opportunities with the EnCITE Framework. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. (open access here:
Foulger, T., Graziano, K. J., & Borthwick, A. C. (2023). Editorial: Design Implications for Technology-Infused Teacher Preparation Programs – CITE Journal. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 23(1).
Warr, M., Driskell, S., Langran, E., Mouza, C., & Schmidt-Crawford, D. (2023). Curriculum Design for Technology Infusion: A Continuous Collaborative Process – CITE Journal. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 23(1).
Outlets for publishing your research
- The Journal of Technology-Integrated Lessons and Teaching (JTILT)
- Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP)
- More journals, conferences, etc listed in this resource from CITE’s Summer Research Track
Creating Open Educational Resources
Research Methods
General methods and instruments for CS/digital education research
- Dr. Aman Yadav from Michigan State has compiled this list of validated surveys that might be used to understand teacher candidates’ beliefs, knowledge, values, and other constructs related to computational thinking and digital literacies.
- Resources from our Summer 2022 research fair
- – Resource bank for CS education research
- Artifact Based Interviews and CT Rubrics for use with Scratch from a Harvard School of Ed project
- Digital Promise CT Pathways project – for planning CT implementations, could be used as an assessment approach
Thematic Analysis
- Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2022). Thematic analysis: A practical guide. Sage.
- Figueroa, A. M. (2017). Ethnography and Language Education. In K. A. King, Y.-J. Lai, & S. May (Eds.), Research Methods in Language and Education (pp. 269–282). Springer International Publishing.
- Davies, R. S. (2020). Designing Surveys for Evaluations and Research. Designing Surveys for Evaluations and Research.
- Resources on the pros/cons of pre-post approaches can be found here and here
Teacher Action Research
- Dyson, A. H., & Genishi, C. (2005). On the case (Vol. 76). Teachers College Press.
- Mertler, C. (2017). Action Research. SAGE Publications, Inc.
- Baker, A. A., & Lee, J. J. (2011). Mind the gap: Unexpected pitfalls in doing classroom research. The Qualitative Report, 16(5), 1435.
Design-Based Research
- Bang, M., Faber, L., Gurneau, J., Marin, A., & Soto, C. (2016). Community-based design research: Learning across generations and strategic transformations of institutional relations toward axiological innovations. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 23(1), 28-41.
- Bang, M., & Vossoughi, S. (2016). Participatory design research and educational justice: Studying learning and relations within social change making. Cognition and Instruction, 34(3), 173–193.
- Gutiérrez, K. D., & Jurow, A. S. (2016). Social design experiments: Toward equity by design. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 25(4), 565-598.
- Hoadley, C. P. (2002). Creating context: Design-based research in creating and understanding CSCL. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community, 453–462.
- Sandoval, W. (2014). Conjecture Mapping: An Approach to Systematic Educational Design Research. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23(1), 18–36.
Autoethnography and Self-Study
- Adams, T. E., & Herrmann, A. F. (2020). Expanding our autoethnographic future. Journal of Autoethnography, 1(1), 1-8. Full article
- Chang, H. (2008.) Autoethnography as Method. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
- Snoeren, MM, Raaijmakers, R, Niessen, TJ, et al. (2016). Mentoring with (in) care: A co-constructed auto-ethnography of mutual learning. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37(1), 3–22.
- Philip, T. M., Martinez, D. C., Lopez, E., & Garcia, A. (2016). Toward a teacher solidarity lens: Former teachers of color (re)envisioning educational research. Race Ethnicity and Education, 19(1), 182–199.
Participatory Action Research Approaches
- Youth Voice Playbook: Engaging Youth in Research
- Participatory action research (PAR) approaches are more open-ended and non-linear than most. They involve paying attention to the power dynamics at play in inviting TCs/CUNY students to contribute/lead/provide input.
- See these resources about PAR
- Mirra, N., Garcia, A., & Morrell, E. (2015). Doing Youth Participatory Action Research: Transforming Inquiry with Researchers, Educators, and Students. Routledge.
Descriptive Review
- Himley, M., Strieb, L., Carini, P., & Kanevsky, R. (Eds.). (2011). PROSPECT’S DESCRIPTIVE PROCESSES THE CHILD, THE ART OF TEACHING, and THE CLASSROOM and SCHOOL (Revised). The Prospect Archives and Center for Education and Research.
- Himley, M., & Carini, P. F. (2000). From Another Angle: Children’s Strengths and School Standards : the Prospect Center’s Descriptive Review of the Child. Teachers College Press.
Participatory Knowledge Building
- Santo, R., Ching, D., Peppler, K., & Hoadley, C. (2017). Participatory knowledge building within research-practice partnerships in education. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. SAGE.
Testimonios and Narrative Research
- Reyes, K. B., & Rodríguez, J. E. C. (2012). Testimonio: Origins, Terms, and Resources. Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(3), 525–538.
- Mangual Figueroa, A., & Barrales, W. (2021). Testimonio and Counterstorytelling by Immigrant-Origin Children and Youth: Insights That Amplify Immigrant Subjectivities. Societies, 11(2), 38.
- Fish, J., & Syed, M. (2021). Digital storytelling methodologies: Recommendations for a participatory approach to engaging underrepresented communities in counseling psychology research. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 68(3), 271–285.
Discourse Analysis
- Rymes, B. (2015). Classroom discourse analysis: A tool for critical reflection, Second Edition (2 edition). Routledge.
Research Practice Partnerships
- See these resources from the Research + Practice Collaboratory at: