Summer 2024 Research and Dissemination Track

This summer, CITE invites the Principal Investigators of research projects we’ve funded in both cohorts to join us in a community of practice geared towards supporting your ongoing work.

Summary of the opportunity

Expectations and Resources

Facilitate a 45-minute activity about your work

To help you move your research forward, during ONE of the three co-working sessions, plan to engage the community in some aspect of your research in an interactive way (not just a presentation!)

For example:

  • Lead a discussion about a problem of practice your group is facing
  • Bring some anonymized data for your colleagues to co-analyze with you
  • Ask for feedback on a research instrument or some aspect of your research design

Resources: Sign up sheet and protocols to build on

Develop one conference proposal, or draft journal manuscript

Cohort 2023-2024

  • Individually / as a project team, or collaborating with other CUNY CITE researchers, develop a proposal for a conference submission or other similarly-sized research output based on your work.
  • Submit your proposal (can be a work in progress) using our dissemination form by 9/1.
  • If you write an accompanying full paper, this work can count as the final research deliverable for your grant.

Cohort 2022-2023

  • Your team will work with Anthony to develop goals that make sense for your project (ex. manuscript draft for journal submission).

Resources: Conference and Journal venues list

Research Fair Participation

Share your work in a one-minute pitch video and a poster-style virtual session at the July 30th research fair.

  • Please record your pitch video using Flipgrid by July 26th
    • Join our group here:
    • Imagine you are enticing people to come visit your poster!
    • Flipgrid allows you to record from only one computer (you can’t record a call)
    • See Flipgrid tutorial here
    • It will cut you off after 1-min, be concise!
  • Share a “poster” during the fair
    • Share key ideas, problems of practice that have come up as you’ve made progress on your research.
    • Not just a summary of your proposal! 
    • You can use any software (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva, Prezi, etc) to make your poster. Plan to screenshare it and send us a link or file.
    • Prepare some discussion and reflection questions for audience members
    • Participants will cycle in to your room in two 20-minute rotations
    • We will hold a dry run through on Jul 17th