Computing Integrated Teacher Education @CUNY

Computing Integrated Teacher Education is a four-year initiative to support CUNY education faculty at all ranks to integrate state standards-aligned computing and digital literacies content and pedagogy into required education courses, field work and student teaching.

Supported by public funding from the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) Computer Science for All (CS4All) program and private funding from the Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund, Google, and Gotham Gives, the initiative focuses on building on and complementing the success of New York City’s CS4All and pilots to integrate computational thinking at Queens College, Hunter College and Hostos Community College. 

The initiative focuses on: 

CITE Learning Resources

On this website, you will find archives of resources the CITE team co-created with 200+ CUNY Teacher Education Faculty participating in our Professional Learning Community.

CITE Orientation Course

All 10 modules of the orientation course prepared by the CITE team, including recordings of synchronous sessions.

The course was designed for new faculty joining our community during the 2023’s Professional Learning Institute, but is useful for everyone!

CITE Framework

Equity in CITE

Faculty Spotlights

TC Zine

Values Game


CITE Summer Camps

CITE partnered with 14 external providers to bring faculty summer camps from experts on storytelling with data, artificial intelligence in the classroom, assistive technologies, and more.

The majority of asynchronous resources from our summer camp providers will continue to exist on the CUNY Commons. Visit the page for a complete list of links to summer camp websites.

Looking for summer camp session recordings?
Check your email for a link to a Dropbox with synchronous session recordings!

All materials are published to the open web and, in cases of Zoom recordings, our closed community of faculty (password protected) on CUNY’s Academic Commons platform under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0. All materials will exist on the Commons through at least the end of the current anticipated end of the CITE project in June 2026.